Transit time of cargo delivery from Shanghai to Moscow?
Cargo delivery from Shanghai to Moscow, through the ports of Vladivostok and Nakhodka takes place within 24 to 30 days.
How often do ships leave the ports of shipment?
The schedule in marine companies implies at least one ship's departure per week, from the ports of ocean destination to the ships' departure takes place in a daily format.
Is there free storage at ports, shipping and arrival?
Each seaport has time for the period of free storage at the time of shipment or arrival of cargo in containers.
What kind of bills of lading does your company use?
For international transportation, we use the original bill of lading or its telex release.
Does the company insure the transported goods?
At the request of the client, we can insure the transportation of any cargo on different routes of its transportation.
How quickly can I get the cargo in a warehouse in Moscow upon arrival on the train?
Our company has a large fleet of container trucks, and as soon as the cargo is unloaded at the terminal upon arrival, we are ready to deliver it to your warehouse.
How does customs clearance work?
Our company carries out customs clearance under the seal of a customs representative, on the basis of a license from the FCS, as well as under the client's EDS. Customs clearance takes place in the following cities: Vladivostok, Nakhodka, Moscow, Moscow Region, Novorossiysk.